Welcome to ScoopFun

your premier destination for exclusive discounts and amazing deals across Auckland and New Zealand! Our mission is to help you discover the best that our vibrant country has to offer while saving you money on dining, shopping, entertainment, and more.


What We Do


Nationwide Deals

Discover amazing deals and offers that are valid across New Zealand. Our vouchers are not limited by city or brand, giving you the freedom to redeem them anywhere within our network of participant merchants.


Wide Range of Categories

From restaurants and cafes to spas, gyms, and entertainment venues, our extensive network covers a wide variety of categories to suit every interest and need.


Easy Redemption

Our user-friendly app allows you to effortlessly find and redeem vouchers. As long as you have a valid voucher, you can redeem it at any participating merchant, ensuring a hassle-free experience.


How ScoopFun works?

ScoopFun is your premier destination for exclusive discounts and amazing deals across Auckland and New Zealand! Discover how easy it is to start saving with these simple steps.


Install the App

Start your journey to incredible savings by downloading and installing the ScoopFun app from your favorite app store. Our user-friendly interface ensures a quick and hassle-free setup, so you can begin exploring deals in no time.


Setup your profile

Personalize your ScoopFun experience by setting up your profile. Customize your preferences and discover deals tailored just for you. Connecting with friends and exploring exclusive offers has never been easier.


Enjoy the features!

Dive into the world of ScoopFun and start enjoying amazing deals and discounts across Auckland and New Zealand. From local attractions to dining and shopping, our app has everything you need to make the most of your time and money.

Join Us Today!


Download the ScoopFun app and start exploring incredible deals right at your fingertips. Join our growing community of savvy savers and make the most of what Auckland and New Zealand have to offer.

* Available on iPhone, iPad and all Android devices

Our Commitment

At ScoopFun, we are dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience. We strive to continuously improve our platform and expand our network of partners to offer even more value and variety. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we’re always here to assist you with any questions or concerns.

Have questions or need assistance? We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to our friendly support team through the app or email us at support@scoopfun.com
